main page

Saturday August 3rd, 2024

First update for the website. Today I just released Accurate Sonic 2 Sprites for Sonic 3 AIR. You can now find it in the mods section of the gallery. Also new is a write up in the blog about my recent game pick ups and my thoughts on them if you're interested in something like that. Anyways, that's it for now, and thanks for sticking around to see my webpage!

Thursday March 21st, 2024

Welcome to the main page! This is my personal website for all things me. Thanks for coming!

This website is the result of my first experience with HTML and CSS. I'm surprised how quick it was for me to get it as well. It was fun to make all these graphics and layout designs, it really feels like my own place now. I have yet to start learning JavaScript yet though, I may have to at some point soon.

Here's how the site looked at the very beginning. It's cool to see the progress made when you start something versus after you gain experience with it. Take this site for example, I woke up on Monday with absolutely zero experience in making a website, yet here I am with something that I could at least say is competent for what I want to achieve.

That's kinda meta to have a picture of the site on the site itself. Anyways, my point is that it started with nothing more than some text and a looping gif and now there's a few more things and actual CSS. Nothing groundbreaking, but what can you do I guess.

You can check out my gallery of creative works, my blog of random ramblings or a little about me and some contact info with the navigation panel over there on the left. I also added some links to other cool sites below that and a button of this site you can add to yours if you'd like to. Hope you enjoy your stay!