refined character sprites (sonic 2)
IMPORTANT: This mod does not work on the current version of Sonic Origins Plus. This will be updated eventually, but as it stands it's here for when it does get updated.

This is a port of the Sonic 2 RSDK mod to Origins, which includes files necessary for this game like coin sprites. This mod changes the spritework of the playable characters to be more refined, with changes to the shading and making them generally more consistent. This also includes features such as giving Sonic a new fast run cycle, giving Super Sonic a unique sprite set, and changing Knuckles' art style to match the other two. These sprites were made by leanycat and I. This mod will not be compatible with other mods that change animation files.
If you wanna use these sprites for something, contact me for permission.
panoramhusky - mod creator, sprite artist
leanycat - sprite artist